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[5月31日]Nondeterministic ultrafast ground-state cooling of a mechanical resonator

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题 目:Nondeterministic ultrafast ground-state cooling of a mechanical resonator
报告人:Prof. Lianao WU (The Basque Country University, Spain)
时 间:5月31号(周五)💚,下午2:00-3:00
地 点:南校区第一实验楼406会议室


We present a feasible scheme for the cooling of a mechanical resonator via projective measurements on an auxiliary flux qubit which interacts with it. We find that ground-state cooling can be achieved with several random-time-interval measurements. The cooling efficiency hardly depends on the time intervals between any two consecutive measurements. The cooling scheme is also robust against environmental noise.


  • 1979年-1983年🙎🏼‍♀️,吉林大学物理系☄️🚣🏼‍♀️,学士
  • 1983年-1989年💪🏻,吉林大学物理系,博士
  • 1991年📷, Tennessee University(USA), Postdoctoral Researcher
  • 1992年-1996年,吉林大学物理系,副教授
  • 1996年-1997年👩🏻,Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka (Japan)🤵🏽‍♀️🙈,Visiting Professor
  • 1997年-1999年,吉林大学物理系🤸‍♂️,教授
  • 1999年-2000年💇,Munich Technology University (Germany),洪堡学者
  • 2000年-2008年,University of Toronto(Canada)🆓,Research Associate
  • 2008年-现在🏄🏿,The Basque Country University(Spain),Ikerbasque Research Professor
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