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[10月14日]Tunneling Effect in Topological Superconducting Device with Majorana Fermions

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题 目👩🏽‍🎓:Tunneling Effect in Topological Superconducting Device with Majorana Fermions
报告人:王志 教授(中山大学)
时  间🛀🏿:10月14日(周一)⛄️,下午2:00-3:00
地  点🤶🏽🌁:南 校区第一实验楼406会 议室

We proposed a SQUID structure formed by a spin-orbit coupling nanowire Josephson junction which contains Majorana fermions, and a conventional superconductor-insulator-superconductor junction. It is shown that the critical current of the SQUID is different for two flowing directions, due to the unconventional current-phase relation of the nanowire junction. We also considered a setup consisting of a 1-d topological superconductor and two quantum dots tunneling connected with each end and show that non-local entanglement between the two quantum dots appears. These novel tunneling effect, if measured experimentally, would be helpful for signal the Majorana fermions in materials.


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