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[12月06日]The anomalous diffusion in cell, and related theories

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题 目👬:The anomalous diffusion in cell, and related theories
时 间:12月6日(周二),下午3:30-4:30
地 点↪️:第一实验楼423会议室

Abstract:The diffusive motion of macromolecules is an essential part of cellular life. It controls the speed of a large number of cellular processes such as signaling, assembly of protein complexes and molecular machines, and exit of mRNAs from the cell nucleus. Experimental measurements have generally indicated anomalous diffusion of macromolecules in the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm, as well as on the plasma membrane. The origin of the observed anomalous phenomenon is still much debated. In this talk I will first introduce recent in vivo single-molecule imaging experiments, which report anomalous diffusion in the heterogeneous intracellular medium. I will then briefly introduce several theories for the anomalous diffusion and then focus on quenched trap model (QTM). Taking count of disordered environment, QTM provides an insight, which connects between the anomalous diffusion with the heterogeneous cell structure. Two examples will be shown at the end of the talk, which explain the experiment observations.

Short Bio😕:Dr. Liang Luo got his PhD at Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in 2011. He moved then to Beijing Computational Science Research Center for post doctor study. He joined Huazhong Agricultural University in 2016. Dr. Liang Luo was trained in the school of statistical physics and now works between physics theories and biological experiments. His major interest is the anomalous diffusion in disordered systems, such as living cells. He also works on the analysis of bacterial metabolic network. 

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