题 目:Three-body reaction theory in a model space
报告人:金磊 研究员(俄亥俄大学博士后研究员)
时 间:1月5日(周五),上午 10:00 -11:30
地 点⛹🏽:物理馆512会议室
An important mechanism that takes place in the nuclear collisions is the dissociation of the projectile into two or more fragments. For the two-body dissoci-ation, this corresponds to reactions of the form a + A -> b + x + A. This process can be modeled as three-body systems, giving rise to the idea that they should properly be analyzed by some version of the Faddeev theory. Unfortunately, Faddeev equation methods, with their coupled equations, are complicated, with the result that these methods have only been applied for a few, simple physical systems or for systems with simple, separable interactions. In this talk, Faddeev equations with separable interactions and model space solution of the three body problem will be discussed.
金磊博士↖️,2016年在塞维利亚大学获得博士学位🏔。现为俄亥俄大学博士后研究员。研究方向为:Direct nuclear reaction theory, few body physics.