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[6月7日] X-ray Optics for Medical Imaging and Therapy

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题 目:X-ray Optics for Medical Imaging and Therapy
报告人:Dr. Carolyn Ann MacDonald  (Professor, Chair of Physics🍹,University at Albany, USA)
时 间:6月7日(周五),上午10🤭:00
地 点:物理馆212会议室

Despite over a century of development, most x-ray radiography uses the same basic x-ray beam as Roentgen employed to image his wife’s hand in 1896. However, the recent rapid development of x-ray optics has opened the possibility for development of a variety of new geometries. For example, monochromatic beams increase contrast and reduce dose relative to conventional broadband imaging. However, beam intensities from conventional sources are too low after diffracting from a flat monochromator crystal. Using a polycapillary collimating optic before the crystal produces orders of magnitude higher beam intensity. Polycapillary optics, arrays of hundreds of thousands of tiny hollow tubes that utilize total external reflection to redirect x-rays incident at grazing angles, have also been shown to improve contrast compared to the use of conventional grids for scatter rejection. The high angular selectivity that allows for excellent scatter rejection also gives high resolution in nuclear medicine.

Harvard University; Cambridge, MA
Ph.D. in Applied Physics (Materials Science), 1986
Doctoral Thesis Title: “Kinetics of Crystallization in Metals During Pulsed Laser Quenching”
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Prof. Frans Spaepen
S.M. in Applied Physics (Materials Science), 1982
California Institute of Technology; Pasadena, CA
B.S. with honor in Applied Physics, 1979

Professional Employment:
University At Albany, SUNY:
9/08-present, Chair, Physics
9/02-present, Director, Center for X-ray Optics
9/98-present, Professor, Physics
9/94-9/98, Associate Professor, Physics
9/91-9/2002, Associate Director, Center for X-ray Optics
8/86-9/94, Assistant Professor, Physics (9/92-5/93 half time)

5/93-8/94, Consultant
9/92-5/93, Senior Research Scientist, Half time

Rockwell International; Space Division; Downey, CA
2/80-9/81, Senior Programmer for Space Shuttle lift-off navigation simulations

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